CVU Releases Fourth Report to Report on Multnomah County Juvenile Services



December 16, 2009

Crime Victims United has released its fourth report on Multnomah Juvenile Services. The first report issued in May of 2008 was a comprehensive look at the policies and practices of the department that were encouraged and facilitated by the Casey Foundation.

In June 2008 the first addendum chronicled the initial reaction of Juvenile Services management and also documented the relative lack of use of such basic juvenile justice tools as community service and victim restitution.

In October 2008 the second addendum pointed out that Multnomah County failed to make any serious effort to address issues raised in our reports.

Drawing on data compiled by the State of Oregon, this third addendum reveals that:

With approximately 18% of the state's youth population, Multnomah County has been responsible for 40% of the state's juvenile robbery and homicide referrals

No other county in the state so consistently has disproportionate percentages of robbery and homicide referrals

Juvenile criminal referrals have decreased less than half as much as the state as a whole-9% vs. 22%

The third addendum is available here.

Read Crime Victims United original report on Multnomah County Juvenile Services

Read Addendum 1

Read Addendum 2

Read Addendum 3